Monday, July 26, 2010

Parade Day!

This is our super awesome float from the Capital Ex Parade on Thursday (July 22). Its a giant rollerskate (if you couldn't tell) and it was totally bad ass. We skated around it, waved to the fans and gave rollin high-fives to the kids in the crowd. We were the media darlings too, getting love from both the Edmonton Sun and the Edmonton Journal. Here's some more parade photos...oh and I opted for the glitter booty shorts with white top and socks. (yeah, its the same thing I wore to the Pride Parade, but when else can you wear glitter booty shorts)
ghetto photo-op!

completely gratuitous.... who doesn't love men in uniform?

Too many choices?

Couldn't decide what to wear for the parade. My black E-Ville shirt, my green E-Ville shirt or my white E-Ville shirt. Green shorts or black. Mini skirt or glitter booty shorts? And what about the socks???