Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Original Diva

This is Jean Nidetch. She is an awesome dame who started Weight Watchers from her living room. I have never met her but she changed my life. She also had fabulous style. She loved big hair and fishnets for daytime. I can respect that

Day 23

Im feeling rather blah today, and my outfit kinda shows it, sorry. Not every day can be a gold medal winner, but this one at least gets a participation ribbon. (note: that was the only kind of ribbon I ever received in school track meets)

The skirt is a heavy cotton with pleats and front buttons from Marc Jacobs and I usually wear this in winter with tights. But its bare legs today, woo hoo! (even though they are in some desperate need of some self-tanner)

The black satin vest is from LeChateau that I bought last year and honestly, Im shocked that it hasn't fallen apart yet. (Sorry LeChat, but the shit u sell may look cute, but falls apart fast)

So this is it. The final week. This time next Wednesday it will all be over....or will it???