This entry has nothing to do with dresses at all, but rather it has everything to do with my unnatural and obsessive love for former MLB utility player and current third basemen for the Tijuana Cimarrones, Kit Pellow.
I did wear a skirt (same one I wore to baseball game last month) and my new Iron Maiden shirt( um it has a sparkly skull and its wicked) from the concert the other night, but lets get back to Kit.....
Im not really a sports girl, but last summer, we went to see Calgary play. I knew nothing about any of their players or even the game but it was at that game where I discoverd the man, the myth, the legend that is Kit Pellow.. When I checked Calgary's roster this year, there was no mention of Mr. Pellow and I couldn't find much else on-line since no one really cares about this level of baseball. But I knew in my heart, I would see Kit again....So please indulge me.....
Tuesday night we went to the baseball game to see the Tijuana Cimarrones, but more importantly we went for $2 tacos (actually on $3.50 if you bought 2 at a time, which I did) and $4 beers. And then I heard the announcement...up next, batting for Tijuana, number 34 Kit Pellow.... I almost dropped said beer and taco I was so excited. (Actually, I think my friend Bob was more excited as he has a HUGE man-crush on Kit and he let out a little yelp of glee)
We started cheering for Pellow, even though he was playing against our home team. We sang "For he's a jolly good Pellow" and adapted other hits like the Doors classic "Pellow, I love you, wont you tell me your name" Yeah, we got some strange looks from the crowd, but we didn't care.... And then magic happened....
It was the 9th inning and Tijuana was down by 4 runs. Bases loaded. 2 outs. Kit Pellow stepped up to bat. I started shouting that Kit Pellow will hit a home run now and boasted to the crowd that they have to believe in the power of Pellow like I did. Bob was pledging his love for Pellow at the top of his lungs and overall Im sure people thought we were insane....that is until there was a CRACK and god damn if that ball didn't fly right over the fence for a full on GrandSlam!!!! If it happened in a movie, I wouldn't believe it.
Ultimately, the home team won, but that didn't stop us from having a ball (lame pun completely intended) And when Kit Pellow walked back to the dug out, he looked up at us crazies screaming his name... he gave us a big smile and a wave. He's so boss.
We will be going again on Friday night, as Kit and the Cimarrones are here all week. I plan to wear something pretty for Kit. Bob wants to meet him and hang out on the bus with his new bestie. See you at the ball game.
this is awesome!