Today has been a crazy busy day hence the tardiness of today`s post. This is the first chance I have been able to just chill all day, so I have poured myself a glass of wine, pulled up to the computer to share another day of dresses with you.
So, Im still digging through my closet for options, and I haven`t yet bought anything new for this 30 day challenge and considering its the half way point, I think that`s pretty damn good.... yeah, halfway. Actually that makes me kinda sad know that in a couple of weeks, its just not going to be as fun to get dressed in the morning. I hope that I am able to hold on to a bit of this enthusiasm and excitement Im feeling each morning and use it after all of this is over. I dont know if its the power of the dress, or just doing something new, or knowing I will be sharing this with others, but I have been waking up each morning excited to get up and get dressed....And Im telling you, that is a huge deal! Cuz sometimes, I have my days where I really dont want to get out of bed. I could be Brian Wilson I like to lay in bed so much.
Today I wore another wrap dress. I love wrap dresses and the best wrap dresses in the world are made by Diane von Furstenburg. I love the way she makes a woman look in her dresses. Effortlessly stylish. Now this is not a DVF dress, (stay tuned, hint hint) but it is a pretty little wrap I picked up from Bryans last summer. Its brown and cream floral print and feels like Im wearing nothing... especially today, brrrr, what happened to the sun from the weekend. You can tell by my face that Im not at all impressed. It must be so easy to get dressed when the weather is the same everyday... so maybe I am for Global Warming after all.....