So here I am enjoying a beautiful Sunday on what will be the final weekend of the Wear a Dress everyday in June experiment. And, frankly, Im a little sad. What started out to be a fun and pretty silly idea has turned into something much more and I dont really want it it end. The response I have gotten to my dresses have been overwhelming as friends/family/coworkers/ and even relative strangers have showed me incredible kindness and generosity with their comments. Can`t lie, its nice to hear compliments, I just have to learn to be better at accepting them graciously.

So heres a quick run down on the past 30 hours or so. Saturday morning I was up early and off to work in this adorable brown and white polk-a-dot dress. The lighting is bad, but trust me, there are polk-a-dots. Despite my better judgement I wore these heels. This would later come back to bite me as by the end of the night, by sore ankle trippled in size and turned into a full on CANKLE!
After work, it was a quick workout, shower and chill time on the patio, before heading to Iron Maiden bitches!!!! My first instinct for any rock show is jeans (or in this heat, shorts) but I fought against those feelings and selected a skirt. And not just any skirt. After a few false starts I went with this plaid skirt from Dickies. I bought this from Mars&Venus thinking it would be good for Roller Derby, however, I realized fairly quickly that it wasn`t short enough to play in. But, its the perfect length for a good ol fashioned metal show!!! Naturally, I wore my Judas Priest tank top with it, cuz Im such a headbanger.

This morning it was off to brunch with my girls Amber, Kathleen and Jana. It was a bit like Sex and the City, with 4 Samanthas. Lots of crude talk and laughter and 11am ceasars. Yum. But it was bound to happen. I repeated a dress. Told you I would. So this black and white number first appeared way back on day 9. But I wore black tights that day, and today I didn`t. Oh and I added a giant flower so its completely different.

Time to grab an outdoor sunshine nap.