What started as a 30 day challenge to wear a dress everyday has taken on a life of its own.
Monday, June 7, 2010
DAY FOUR - june 4

DAY THREE - June 3

Quite frankly, this caftan is the shit. Its a silk/poly blend with a zipper down the front. I got this from Neiman Marcus. It was in their 2008 Christmas Catalogue and retailed for about $200 US. Now I love me a caftan, but thats a bit much even if it is awesome. Mine came from the salvage sale where it was marked down to $5. Now thats a price I can get down with.
And for some reason, when I wear this, I think of my gramma and aunties. When I was a little kid, I swear they all had hundreds of caftans all just as colourful as this.
DAY TWO - June 2

But about this outfit, I can tell you that this is my most favorite pencil skirt EVER! Its from Diane von Furstenberg and truly, a good pencil skirt is worth the investment. And I hope you like it too, cuz chances are this will make another appearance at some point this month. I don't have an infinite clothing budget so yeah, I wear things more than once.
I paired the skirt this time with a top from local designer Fridget Apparel. She makes beautiful clothes that are so fun and have a modern but retro appeal. All the hipsters love Fridget. This was purchased at the Bison Sale last year. Slipped on another pair of heels, snapped the photo and I was out the door feelin sassy.
DAY ONE - June 1

This is me on the first morning of the challenge. Although I was tempted to start off the whole thing with something flashier, I settled on this brown jersey wrap dress for my first day. I bought this dress about 6 months ago from Smart Set. I threw a purple tank top (actually its the colour of Thrills Gum) underneath and slipped into my black patent leather pumps from Michael Kors. May not be the fanciest dress I own, but it's definitely a "go-to".
Oh and ignore the giant piggy bank in the background.
Welcome to the blog
Two weeks ago I was invited to the Facebook Group, "Wear a dress everyday in June" by my friend Tigra*. She thought it would be fun to challenge ourselves to get a little girly for 30 days and only wear dresses and/or skirts. We invited all the women we know(and a couple of men that like wearing dresses too) to join us in this endeavor.
So, seven days ago I wore my first dress for the 30 day challenge. I took a photo of myself and posted it to the FB group. I had so much fun that the next day I did the same thing. Four days later, my other friend, Tron* suggested I start a blog about all my June dresses.....and so here I am creating a blog.
Each day in June I will be wearing a dress (or skirt). I will take a picture and post it here......maybe I will say something clever too.
I dont have an unlimited clothing budget. I dont have the help of a stylist. I usually wear jeans and I live in Edmonton which limits my choices. But with a little bit of on-line help, second hand finds, clearance sales and bargain hunting, I will do my best to keep it interesting..... Its all in good fun, so hope you enjoy
♥ trina
(*Roller Derby Names)