Monday, June 7, 2010

DAY FOUR - june 4

Its Friday and Im meeting Tron and Halen for lunch. We meet every Friday at our favorite spot "Chicken for Lunch" Usually, I just wear jeans, but today we all will be wearing dresses.

I bought this dress from "Who Cares?" a local boutique here in Edmonton. Its a navy silk dress from Nougat that buttons all the way down. It was a little windy today, so I almost gave the folks at Central Station one helluva show.

The shoes are again from Michael Kors. Not only is he super wicked on Project Runway, but the man can make goooood shoes. I bought this shoe (called the Bradford pump) in two colours cuz they are totally boss and really quite comfy too. And since I was so lazy yesterday, I did a little accessorizing with this outfit.... Thanks to my gramma for the vintage jewellery. Feelin pretty today

DAY THREE - June 3

So today was my day off. I didn't even really leave the house. Clearly I didn't bother to brush my hair for this photo. This is my caftan and so this will count for today's dress.

Quite frankly, this caftan is the shit. Its a silk/poly blend with a zipper down the front. I got this from Neiman Marcus. It was in their 2008 Christmas Catalogue and retailed for about $200 US. Now I love me a caftan, but thats a bit much even if it is awesome. Mine came from the salvage sale where it was marked down to $5. Now thats a price I can get down with.

And for some reason, when I wear this, I think of my gramma and aunties. When I was a little kid, I swear they all had hundreds of caftans all just as colourful as this.

DAY TWO - June 2

Starting to realize that taking full length pictures of yourself is kinda challenging. Also, I need to clean my room. The same piece of paper is still lying on the floor, and my extra skate wheels are in the background...

But about this outfit, I can tell you that this is my most favorite pencil skirt EVER! Its from Diane von Furstenberg and truly, a good pencil skirt is worth the investment. And I hope you like it too, cuz chances are this will make another appearance at some point this month. I don't have an infinite clothing budget so yeah, I wear things more than once.

I paired the skirt this time with a top from local designer Fridget Apparel. She makes beautiful clothes that are so fun and have a modern but retro appeal. All the hipsters love Fridget. This was purchased at the Bison Sale last year. Slipped on another pair of heels, snapped the photo and I was out the door feelin sassy.

DAY ONE - June 1

This is me on the first morning of the challenge. Although I was tempted to start off the whole thing with something flashier, I settled on this brown jersey wrap dress for my first day. I bought this dress about 6 months ago from Smart Set. I threw a purple tank top (actually its the colour of Thrills Gum) underneath and slipped into my black patent leather pumps from Michael Kors. May not be the fanciest dress I own, but it's definitely a "go-to".

Oh and ignore the giant piggy bank in the background.

Welcome to the blog

Hello, my name is Trina, aka GhettoRose* and this is my blog.

Two weeks ago I was invited to the Facebook Group, "Wear a dress everyday in June" by my friend Tigra*. She thought it would be fun to challenge ourselves to get a little girly for 30 days and only wear dresses and/or skirts. We invited all the women we know(and a couple of men that like wearing dresses too) to join us in this endeavor.

So, seven days ago I wore my first dress for the 30 day challenge. I took a photo of myself and posted it to the FB group. I had so much fun that the next day I did the same thing. Four days later, my other friend, Tron* suggested I start a blog about all my June dresses.....and so here I am creating a blog.

Each day in June I will be wearing a dress (or skirt). I will take a picture and post it here......maybe I will say something clever too.

I dont have an unlimited clothing budget. I dont have the help of a stylist. I usually wear jeans and I live in Edmonton which limits my choices. But with a little bit of on-line help, second hand finds, clearance sales and bargain hunting, I will do my best to keep it interesting..... Its all in good fun, so hope you enjoy

♥ trina

(*Roller Derby Names)