Second last day of June. Second last day of dresses. I wish I had flashier dresses for these final days, but I realized quite quickly how much black,white, and brown dominate my wardrobe. I want to change this and try to wear a little more colour. Im so jealous of Tigra's dresses this month. She's the one that started this wear a dress everyday thing, and judging by her dress selection I can understand why....she has a LOT of pretty dresses in all sorts of colours. No basic black for her. Instead she confidently rocks turquoise and corals and stripes and polk-a-dots. She even has a dress with fruits on it. She has inspired me to be a little more adventurous the next time I buy a dress.

But its black and white for me today. This was another purchase from Neiman Marcus back when I still worked for them. (my time spent at Neimans could be, and should be a whole other blog. Americans can be really, really scary when they dont get their Prada) I dont normally purchase linen, but this was too good of a deal to pass up. It also came with a matching jacket, but its a little too "old lady" so I dont think I have ever worn it with the dress. Today I wore a green chunky Wilma Flintstone necklace so at least there was a little bit of colour.
Time for a bath and figure out my last dress for tomorrow.
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