Thursday.... i love Thursdays. Even when I have to work I love Thursdays. Its like the first day of the week where co-workers finally get in a good mood. But I love Thursdays even more when I only work a half day. Don`t get me wrong, I do love my job, and most of my co-workers, but I kina love hanging out in my yard more. So that`s where I will be in about an hour!
I know I keep over using the word favorite, and not all my dresses can be favorites (unlike children, of which I have none). So I hesitate to use the word, but this is another favorite. This dress is so damn easy to wear. Its a simple cotton dress but its sort of a shirt dress combined with a wrap dress combined with awesomeness. It has a collar, which I popped just before snapping this photo. And it has POCKETS! I love dresses with pockets. And even though its black, its such a light material that it works in the summer as well as winter. Its an almost perfect dress and its a shame Im only wearing it for half a day.
I am also wearing a dress with pockets today. It looks like a toga too, except its a dress with pockets and has a rope belt.