Sunday, June 13, 2010

DAY 13 - Sunday

Just another quick post cuz its damn hot outside and its only nice for a total of 23 days in edmonton and i want to make the most of my time in the sun. If anyone tells me its 'too hot outside' I will punch them in the face.

Today its a classic denim mini skirt from the Gap and cheery yellow halter from who knows where. Probably from Urban Planet or Garage clothing or any place like that where you can buy cheap summer clothes. I love these giant white sunglasses that I bought at Value Village. Here's the thing about white sunglasses. Only girls can wear them... cuz guys, you seriously look like douchebags in your white sunnies.

Keeping it casual for today as all I really did was wake up with a baseball hangover, ate a sub and sat on my deck in the sun. Pretty good sunday if you ask me. Now to plan my wardrobe for the rest of this week.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN! Down with men in white sunglasses!
